Tiverton Town Twinning Association

This is a really exciting time to be a member of the Tiverton Town Twinning Association (TTTA). We have recently celebrated 50-year and 40-year friendships with our partner towns – Chinon (France) and Hofheim (Germany) respectively. Over the years some great friendships have grown, and members sometimes make extra visits to their foreign friends. We are always looking for new members to join our successful, historical twinning group! Members are the lifeblood of any organisation, and TTTA is extending a special welcome to new members, and invites them to join us at our regular Sunday meals, take part in exchange visits, and become hosts for our visitors. You can contact the Membership Secretary for more details via our Contacts page.
Tiverton Town Twinning Association was formed to promote friendship and understanding between Tiverton and its two twin towns of Chinon in France and Hofheim in Germany. Both Chinon and Hofheim are twinned with each other, hence a triangular relationship. Our association has a committee which organises affairs and official visits are organised in alternate years. Visitors stay in the home of twinners in the host country at no cost on a reciprocal basis. A programme of activities and entertainment is provided for the guests.
Costs are generally met by both the Tiverton Town Twinning Association and each individual who goes on a visit. The Town Council partly funds official gifts for the people of Chinon and Hofheim and contributes towards entertaining their visitors. However a majority of funding is raised by events held by the association and organised by the committee. Travelling expenses are paid by visitors and the civic representatives.
We warmly welcome new members: anyone who lives in Tiverton, or within a 20-mile radius of the town.